quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2013

"I'm not interested"

The thing with calling randomly selected people to interview them during a period of 4 hours, is that you call an impressive lot of people.
And of course all of these are not very pleasant, nor respectful. The other day I listened to a very loud monologue from an elderly man, in which I was called a number of unpleasant things and condemned to a very dark future. What provoced this attack was me breathing. More specifically, me breathing down his own personal alley in the enormous grid of phone connections.
This kind of extremely immature people (if anyone reading this takes pleasure in trying to scare phonecallers, sorry to be the one to tell you this), is that it does give quite some satisfaction to be able to perserve your calm. In other words, being the bigger person.

But then there are some people that I do think are quite bothersome, that actually do ignite a little sparkle of annoyance. These are the ones that somehow think themselves too important to bother with listening to an entire sentence (about 0,75 minutes of their lives). Usually it goes like this:

-Good evening, my name is Rebecka and I'm calling you from <survey company>, we're currently conducting..."
-"Not interested"
-"...But you didn't even..."
*Hangup tone*

Now, I'm not saying that what I have to say is extremely interesting. Nor that the person down the line necessarily has got to take a huge interest in tobacco, healthcare, politics, traffic or the cleanness of their city. What I am imploring of people is to show at least enough respect to hear me say what I've got to say.
In other words, just stop being such self-important asses for a minute and recognize that human value actually does apply even if someone happens to be committing the crime of calling you.
It's politeness. Not rocket science.

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