sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013

The meaning of life

So this discussion arose during our microbiology class this Thursday: what is the meaning of our lives? What is the meaning of all life?
These discussions comes through every once in a while and this particular one came during the, in nerdier companies, standard dispute of "Well, what is actually a virus?"
The answer to this, insofar as I have been informed, is that a virus is an entity whose only purpose is to reproduce through host cells, which is only seen as life by some realms of science.
This then led to the discussion about other life forms (we are currently studying bacteria) where we soon decided that the purpose of mono-cellular organisms is to do all in their power to pass on their genetic material for coming generations.

There is no way that this doesn't lead up to the same question about our lives. Do we actually just exist so that our DNA can multiply?
Well in essence, however complex, amazing and advanced we see ourselves, this is what life is all about. Everything we do we do so that our DNA can reproduce. With the possible exception of drug use.  In a cold, harsh perspective, love is just a surge of different substances composed for us to feel a rush of attraction, get physical and reproduce.
Even education and work is in the end about survival, Education -> Employment -> Money -> Survival

Okay so of course this is quite a harsh and cold way of seeing the miracle of life, and the notion borders of some kind of retarded, paranoid view.
However, I found this, the meaning of life is for our DNA to replicate itself, remarkably satisfactory of a notion. Why?
 Because in essence it means that however badly I screw up, I've still on some basic level accomplished the mission of life and my existence has a meaning.

Think about it.

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